email otp sms How to create an ecommerce single item cart with checkout integrations Guys today i am going to teach you guys how to build an ecommerce site with checkout integration but only with a single product, you can add more to it So we are building it using my favorite PHP ,Ajax and JQuery. I have already created a simple shopping cart code in PHP with the product gallery.let's get this over with What are we building? I am not meant to show you this but i would to make you exited about it.And look at the cool checkout page and it really works!!. Single product UI with buy now and Checkout controls This is the code of the landing page created for this example. It includes PHP snippets at the beginning. After that, it has the HTML for displaying only one product tile to users. This tile has the “ Buy now ” button. On clicking it will show an HTML form to collect the customer details, name and email address. By submitting the customer details, it calls the ...
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