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How to create internet connection status checker for your site users

How to create internet connection checker (Toast notification)

Have you ever wondered how site can detect your internet connection status and inform you about it ?have you ?!
We see this everyday on social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube and I'll teach you how you how you can create yours easily and simple.
we would be using javascript, HTML and Bootstrap 4 Toast component.
So based on Internet connection status like online or offline then it will change its icon, text color and text according to status of internet connection. Here we have use Bootstrap 4 Toast component, so this component has some build in animation, so when internet connection status changes then it will display push toast notification at right side top of the web page, so user can see internet connection has lost or not.It should look something similar to this: Here is the code enjoy !:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    	<title>Toast Notification for Check Internet Connection    with Bootstrap 4 & javascript</title>
    	<metal name="viewport" content="r=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><
      	<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  		< script src=""></script>
  		< script src=""></script>
  		< script src=""></script>
  		<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  		<div class="container">
    		<h1 align="center">Internet Connection checker with Bootstrap 4 & javascript<h1>

<div class="toast" style="position: absolute; top: 25px; right: 25px;">
    <div class="toast-header">
        <i class="bi bi-wifi">
        <strong class="mr-auto">< span class="text-success">You're online now</span></strong>
        <button type="button" class="ml-2 mb-1 close" data-dismiss="toast" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
    <div class="toast-body">
        Hurray! Internet is connected.


var status = 'online';
var current_status = 'online';

function check_internet_connection()
        status = 'online';
        status = 'offline';

    if(current_status != status)
    if(status == 'online')
            $('.mr-auto').html("<span class='text-success'>You are online now</span>");
            $('.toast-body').text('Hurray! Internet is connected.');
            $('.mr-auto').html("<span class='text-danger'>You are offline now</span>");
            $('.toast-body').text('Opps! Internet is disconnected.')

        current_status = status;




}, 1000);



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